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Giesen Estate 0% Merlot 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine, Giesen 0% keeps all the best qualities of Giesen Estate Merlot. It's aromatically expressive, with the varietal characteristics you know and love... only with the alcohol gently removed. Expect delicate aromas of crushed blackberry and wild herbs in this alcohol-removed Merlot. Crushed red berries and plum offset by toasted oak on the palate combine to give a light and refreshing option with classic structure and fine, powdery tannins on the finish.

Giesen Estate 0% Rosé 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine. This alcohol-removed Rosé is aromatically expressive, crisp, and refreshing, with the varietal characteristics you know and love... only with the alcohol gently removed. Perfect for enjoying at home, out with friends and family, or any time you'd prefer a glass of wine without the after-effects.

Giesen Estate 0% Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine, Giesen 0% keeps all the best qualities of Giesen Estate Sauvignon Blanc. This alcohol-removed Rosé is aromatically expressive, crisp, and refreshing, with the varietal characteristics you know and love... only with the alcohol gently removed. Perfect for enjoying at home, out with friends and family, or any time you'd prefer a glass of wine without the after-effects.

Lindauer Free Brut 750ml

Lindauer Free Brut is made from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes from vineyards in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. Fresh and vibrant, with aromas of green apples and citrus fruit. A delicate and creamy lingering finish. Gentle winemaking techniques has reduced the alcohol to no more than 0.5% ABV. It's a lighter style no matter the occasion. Enjoy the Freedom.
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